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Governing Body

As part of the Archdiocesan vision for Catholic education Our Lady and St. Teresa`s School joined The Our Lady of the Magnificat Multi-Academy Company in September 2022.

We look forward to working in partnership with other Catholic schools in Warwickshire and Worcestershire, providing an excellent education for the children and young people in our communities.

In a multi-academy company (MAC) the Board of Directors is the legally accountable body for the all of its schools. The Board of Directors have three core responsibilities.

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial affairs of the school

In addition to the Board of Directors each of the seventeen schools within the MAC has a Local Governing Body (LGB). Each governing body provides local oversight, challenge and support to its own school.

Our Lady and St. Teresa`s School is very fortunate to have dedicated Governors. The LGB is made up of the following categories of governors:

  • Foundation governors appointed by the Archdiocese of Birmingham
  • Staff governors elected by the staff, including the Principal.
  • Parent governors elected by the parents and carers.

The Local Governing Body is responsible for:

  • The Catholic vision and ethos of the school and working with the local community.
  • High standards of teaching and learning
  • Safeguarding
  • On-site health and safety
  • Admissions, attendance, complaints and exclusions

The Local Governing Body meet twice a term with a formal agenda.

Governors also meet regularly with Mr Pettle and the staff, as well as attending school events and celebrations.

The staff and Governors relationship with parents is key in enabling the school to fulfill its mission and the children to reach their God – given potential.

The Principal is responsible for the day-to-day leadership and management of the school. Governors are always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding school governance.

We look forward to working in partnership with other Catholic schools in Warwickshire and Worcestershire in providing an excellent education for the children and young people in our communities.

Further information regarding Our Lady of the Magnificat is available on their website.

Our Lady of the Magnificat

Governor Profiles

Sean Philpott

Foundation Governor

I was appointed as Foundation Governor during the summer term of 2016. I am a past pupil of Our Lady and St. Teresa’s school so feel privileged to be asked to serve in the capacity of Foundation Governor. My late father was also a governor so I feel I would like to carry on the good work which he and others did in order to advance the school. At present I am retired but come to the role of Governor of Our Lady and St. Teresa’s with an Education background. I hope to bring experience in Educational Management, Inspecting of schools and classroom practice to my role as Governor. I hope the present Governing body is able to support the Head, teaching staff and all who work in this thriving school to achieve the best educational experience for the children in their care.

Simon Tibke

Foundation Governor

I joined the Governing Body in September 2014. I began attending the parish of Our Lady’s in September 2011 after meeting, and subsequently marrying, a former pupil of the school. From then on I have tried to take an active part in parish life, and when asked to join the Governing Body of OLST, I was happy to accept. The school has an exceptionally welcoming atmosphere and puts an emphasis on looking after the needs of each individual, and it is this focus that has seen the school grow and improve over the last few years.

By day, I am a Director of Learning for Mathematics at a secondary school in Rugby, but most importantly, I’m a family man, and father of 3 wonderful children, 2 of whom attend the school. I enjoy spending time participating in sport, particularly golf and cricket, and during the winter months, pursuing my hobby of football refereeing.

Claire Walsh

Foundation Governor

Our Lady and St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School has a long tradition of providing an excellent education where children have always been given the opportunity to develop their God-given faith, talents, gifts and abilities. I am proud to be part of this continuing mission in the twenty-first century where the provision of a distinctive Catholic Education in Leamington Spa is at the heart of what the Board of Governors and staff do. Following a career in Education in Warwickshire, London and Coventry I was delighted to join the Board of Governors of Our Lady and St. Teresa’s School where I am the Chair of Governors as well as a member of the Ethos, Performance and Standards Committee.
I have been a member of the worshipping community of Our Lady’s for over twenty years where I am the Safeguarding Representative and a Reader at Mass. My recent retirement has given me the opportunity to keep busy following my many interests namely travelling, walking, theatre, cinema and literature.

Martin Foley

Parent Governor

My daughter attends Our Lady and St Teresa's and is currently in Year 3. My family and I are active members of the Catholic Leamington parish.

By day, I am a Chief Executive Officer of a national Catholic charity. 

Our Lady and St Teresa's is a wonderful school. It is a great privilege to serve the school community as a Governor.

Kate D'alessandro

Parent Governor


Foundation Governor

Sean O'Rourke

Foundation Governor

Mrs Friend

Assistant Principal/Reception Teacher - Staff Governor

Mr Pettle


Impact Log

Governors' impact statement SEPT 21 -JULY 22

Governor Register of Interest

Governor Register of Interests 21-22

Governor Register of Interests 20-21

Governor Register of Interests 22-23

Governor Register of Interests 23-24

Governor Attendance Register

Govs attendance record 2021-22

Govs attendance record 2022-23

Govs attendance record 2023-24