
Music is important to us here at Our Lady & St Teresa's. Plato once said that music “is a more potent instrument than any other for education” and we feel that music has a vital part to play in our curriculum. Music is emotional. Music is physical.  Music is for life. 

We are proud to be a Music Mark School Member thanks to the work we have done alongside Warwickshire Music Hub and the recognition we have gained for our music curriculum. 

We work closely with Warwickshire Music Hub offering our children individual or group music tuition to learn an instrument but we also take part in the Upbeat whole class ensemble teaching programme that Warwickshire Music Hub offer. This means that whole classes learn to play an instrument, develop co-ordination, learn about pitch, pulse, rhythm and notation. This culminates with whole class performances where the children have a chance to show off the skills they have developed through the programme. 

Working alongside Warwickshire Music Hub also allows us to access high quality music training for our whole staff team which will, in turn, help us to continue to move our music curriculum and provision forwards for all of our children. 

Music Learning Progression

OLST Music Development Plan - 2024 - 2025